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Superfoods for Baby Sleep – With meal plans

139.00 lei

Categorie: ID Produs 22189


Superfoods for baby sleep takes all the guesswork out of feeding your baby or toddler and it is based on current recommendations. From starting solids at around 4-6 months to moving onto finger foods at 6 months, chopped up family foods by 12 months old and finally to family meals up to 3 years old and over providing: more then 150 easy to follow balanced and nutritious recipes for weaning up to 3 years old, food guides, feeding routines, week-by-week guide on starting solids – a combined approach – finger foods and purees that will help you navigate this stage like a pro.

Also, it has every stage baby and toddler meal plans taylored for better sleep, including weekly shopping lists and checklists.